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Why we should have phones in school 

Justice: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (not the right link i don't know where my book of choice essay has gone, i missed out on most of the time in which we were doing this)

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Career Information Report

The values that I think are important are freedom, fun, education, achievements/goals, and video games… I think of myself as a learning 7th grader, although I know a lot. I still don’t know all things, which I want to learn SOME of all those things. Not all of those things.


Pharmacists dispense prescriptions, in a way, I dispense fun (sometimes weird, or awkward fun). Pharmacists work 40 hours per week, a full time job, which I think I could do. They also only need at least a 2-year undergraduate study. In 2014, 297,100 people were performing this job, and to me, that’s a lot of people. They work in pharmacies, grocery stores, drug stores, etc.


I think I want to be a pro gamer, but at the same time work a full shift at a pharmacy, as a pharmacist. I might stick with the pharmacist but then and again, I love playing video games. If I stick with the pharmacist, I get paid well. If I stick with the video gamer, I might start a YouTube channel and youtubers make some money off of their views.








Semester One Review


This semester was a great semester, I need to keep up on my homework but I think the writing assignments weren’t too hard, we had quite a bit of time to do them but none-the-less they were OK. For example, the persuasive essay we had to do, wasn’t that hard, he gave us a lot of time to work on it, and all we needed to do was persuade someone, and tell them why we need/want phones in school (that was my topic). The book of choice essay was to read a book of your choice, and then write about it in a few paragraphs. He gave us a lot of time for that, all together, he gave us about two-three weeks to do it all.

            I learned a few strategies for read and writing, I also learned that being organized, is very good. One strategy to reading is re-read when you don’t know/get something that you just read. You should also re-read what you wrote about something to make sure there are no mistakes/mess-ups. I’ve seen some people being treated badly, and that is not the way to treat others. “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” – Luke 6:31


            Therefore this semester has been great so far, all the wondrous things we had to do in English/school, although we got a lot of homework, I’m not complaining (kind of), this has still been a great semester.



Henry Ford

By: Justice Conklin


Henry Ford yet did not create the automobile, but he is famous for creating the Assembly Line, and its job is to make the cars. Without this invention, we would probably have different cars, not to mention the process in which the cars are made, which would probably be very slow. In this passage you will know most things about Henry Ford, from his Early Life, to his Significant Accomplishments.

Early Life

First off, Ford was born on a farm in Greenfield Township, Michigan.

Ford’s father was born in County Cork, Ireland. Ford’s mother was born in Michigan, same as Ford. Ford really liked to tinker and he really liked machines, too.


Ford was a famous goldsmith, working for Bryant & Stratton Business College in Alumni, Detroit. Ford left home at the age 16, a year after he didn’t want to work on the farm anymore, to take an apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit.

       In 1891, Ford became an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. Ford’s mom encouraged his interest in tinkering.  

Significant Accomplishments

Henry Ford was one of several people who helped the US become a country of motorists.

His inexpensive Model T was the first car that everyone could buy. I will build a car for the great multitude.” He said. When Henry Ford introduced the assembly line, it could make a Model T in 24 seconds. He introduced the V8 engine in 1932. It was on the market quickly, and affordably.

Henry Ford built and drove race cars in his early career. This demonstrated that his produced designs were reliable.

He also established schools in seven different places in the country.

During World War Two, the Ford Motor Company made lots of jeeps, tanks, etc. for the Armed Forces.

Impact on the world

If it weren’t for Henry Ford, cars today may have been not made a lot today, because without Fords Assembly Line, that equals less cars. The world today has been shaped by Fords Model T, the first car to be made, but he did not create the car. Henry ford had a lot of great traits.

Curious - Henry Ford took apart and put together his brother’s toy just to see how it worked.

Persistent - He kept trying even though he failed many times.

Smart - created the Model T car, the assembly line, the V8 engine, a car out of soybean plastic, etc. All of his ideas changed the motor industry.

Strong - built the Quadracycle from scratch and nearly by hand.

I think I could apply persistent, because once I have done something wrong, I really don’t want to try and fix it. For Example; I had a toy monster truck and I took it apart because I loved taking things apart. But, alas I did not want to put it back together. I could apply smart too, because I am not the brightest lightbulb in the house. For example; My mother wanted me to get her phone, so I went into my kitchen, I looked everywhere but I could not find  it. As it turns out, it was sitting right there on the counter in front of my eyes. Henry Ford would be one to look up to, because I too, like mechanics, and I feel when I talk about him, or think of him, it brings my mechanic side out. Alas, thus concludes my passage about Henry Ford, from his early life, to his significant accomplishments, he is a great person to learn about.






                                 A Free World Game


A world of




A world without

Care, with the

Mind to be free


Free to do anything

You desire with

Endless possibilities


A place to free

Your mind of

All depressions

Sorrows or

Any struggles

That you might

Have, in the real world


Inspiration Poem

 By: Justice Conklin


My mom inspires me,                            

 With her flashy ways,

Her cheeky Smile,

I'm always in her heart,

And she is always in mine



My dad inspires me,

His cooking is the best,

I'm not trying to brag,

But he is always in my heart,

And I'm always in his




My sister inspires me,

Though she is always mean,

 She's my sister and I can not

complain, she is in my heart,

And I am in hers


That was my poem,

I hoped you liked it,

And if you didn't,

 Haters gonna hate 






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