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Henry Ford

Page history last edited by suzyk 8 years, 6 months ago

            Do you know who started Fords Motor Company?It's Henry Ford.You might think he was famous or creating the first car or creating the assembly line. But, in fact that wasn't what he did.He actually made the first automatic car and developed the assembly line which changed the industry forever.Moat of his achievements and successful moments were successfully accomplished with determination and great leadership. 


         William Ford and Mary Litogot Ford welcomed their child,Henry,into the world on July 30,1863 in Springswells Township, Michigan.He was the first child out of 6 children and was named after his uncle. Henry attended the Detroit Business Institute for his education. This dark haired blue eyed man did many great things in his life.


       Before Henry career,he was a regular person.One person who influenced him was his dad.When Henry was 13 his dad gave him a pocket watch and he would take this watch apart and put it back together.He also left the farm the same year to seek his fame and fortune.That's when he began working at Illuminating Company.For working 12 hours a day he did not get paid that well. He only got paid $2 a day and had to fix watched to afford to stay in Detroit.Henry didn't have much luck at first.In 1901,his first company,Detroit automobile Company,went out of business because of customer complaints."high prices low quality."His second company,Henry Ford Company got abandoned from a fight with one of his partners.Lastly, his third company almost went down due to low sales numbers.But these setbacks didn't stop him to fulfill his career.


       This amazing person became famous for creating mass-production and having low enough prices for middle class people so they could afford a car. One small achievement of his was building his first gasoline engine in 1893. It started in the back room at the Illuminating co. with a few coworkers making a crude working engine. on Christmas eve that same year, he showed the engine to his wife on his kitchen sink. he and C(his wife)started a small engine. That started his path of being an industrialist.


       Henry also had much more larger achievements and probably more well known."June 4,1896 in  the shed behind his home on Bagley Avenue in Detroit, Henry unveils the Quadricycle, the first automobile he ever designed or drove."(encyclopedia). This horseless carriage was also the first gasoline engined car. Henry Ford shared out his goal for the ford Motor Company the create"a motor car for the great multitude"in 1907. A year later,the Model T car came out.The most amazing thing was how he developed the assembly line. He took and awesome high priced car to an amazing low priced car. In 1913, it took about 12 hours to make just one car.In 1914, the Ford plant took 93 minutes to make a car. But not only the production was quicker the prices were decreasing. It went from $850(1908) to $360(1916."And at the time when American workers made $11 a week, Ford paid $5 a day. He wanted his workers to be able to afford the cars the were building."(scholastic)


       Henry changed the world in many different ways. First of all, If he didn't improve the assembly line most people wouldn't be able to afford a car. The car company he started known as Fords Motor Company in now the second largest car company in the world. He also changed the industrial field a lot. He was so determined to have mass-production with low prices people can finally afford to transport from one place to another. This was his impact on the world. 


      Ford was not just famous for developing the assembly line, but for some personal traits had a role too. He treated his workers very well by increasing wages and giving reasonable time."He recognized that increasing wages and offering reasonable hours would serve to retain and motivate employees." He also believed in equality. Henry offered jobs to women, disabled people and dark skinned individuals. At the time, he employed 62 different nationalities and 900 individuals with different disabilities. He's someone I would look up to because he wasn't doing things just for himself but he did it for others. For example, how he was trying to lower prices for middle class people. And how well he paid his workers and not discriminating people because of their ethnicity. It took a strong person to do that at the time.




"Ford Installs First Moving Assembly Line"pbs.n.d Web 03 Mar 2016


"Henry Ford"Encyclopedia.com HighBeamResearch.n.d Wed. 03 Mar. 2016


Keenan,Sheila, Scholastic Book of Outstanding Americans.New York; Scholastic Reference,2003


"Neil Butterfield"Home N.p n.d Web. 03 Mar. 2016


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