If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.
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(These tutorials were created using Jing. Find the free download at the Jing Project website)
Editing Tip: If nothing shows up when you click the Edit tab...try this: Hold the Control Key (Ctrl, in the bottom left corner) down and then click the Edit tab. That opens another Tab with your Edit page on it. So, check your tabs and you should be able to edit.
Having trouble finding what you want on Google? Check out Google Search tips
Mr. Kabodian sings with the Earl Nelson Singers. "Lift Every Voice and Sing" as sung by the Earl Nelson Singers Track01.cda
Mr. Kabodian supports the work of Re-Member, an outreach group that works to re-establish positive relationships with the Oglala Lakota of South Dakota through education, relationship building, and service. Mr. Kabodian spent his 2012 Spring Break with Re-Member.
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