
Adrianna W

Page history last edited by AdriannaW 14 years, 4 months ago



Your Wiki Page


This is your individual wiki page for 7th grade English.  You can delete some or all of these words after you read them and make this page look the way you want it to look.  (You'll still be able to see them on the Template page under the Folders for each hour)




You will, of course, be graded on your wiki at several points this school year.  Your wiki will be graded on the following criteria:

  • that you make your page uniquely yours (25%)

    • this means that you change the font & colors, as well as add other features along the way
  • that you use your time well when we have computer time (25%)

    • this means that you don't talk too much and/or be distracted by your friends when you have time to work
    • this also means that you try your hardest and do your best
  • that you meet the requirements for each individual assignment (50%)

    • these requirements will be explained on each assignment's handout sheet


Here are some other things to keep in mind: 

  • you and your parents signed a form saying you will you this wiki responsibly
    • please do not put others down or use profanity (or upload any songs/videos that use profanity)
  • part of the fun of wikis, and websites in general, is that you can create links to other websites
    • if you include something about Yellowstone National Park in your writing, you can create a link to it
      • find the web address for Yellowstone National Park and copy it (right click, Copy)
      • highlight the word you want to be the link (Yellowstone, for example)
      • on this page (in Edit mode), click on the globe above that says "Insert/Edit Link" if you scroll over it
      • under "Link type" choose URL
      • paste the Yellowstone address in the lower box and click OK
      • click on Save in the lower left corner and then see if it worked
  • here are a couple tips when changing the background color
    • for some reason, pbwiki's editing program doesn't seem to allow a whole page background change (if you figure it out, let me know).  So, you may have to fill in the section in which you want to change the color; you can do this by using the Tab key on your keyboard.  Tab through the area, then highlight it.  Then go up to the Background Color tab (above, left) and change the color to one you like
    • make sure you choose a color isn't too dark; the font color (black, for example) needs to be able to be read over your background color (brown background would make a black font hard to read).
  • here are a couple tips regarding font choice
    • please stay somewhat consistent with your font choice; it's easier to read than... if it changes too often
    • try to make the font size of titles a bit larger; you can use the Format area above and choose a Heading
  • keep your wiki page organized
    • feel free to add a page that's linked to your page if you want; it's a good idea to make a link back to your page
    • if you add photos, include brief captions about what's going on or who is in the photos or why the photo is on your wiki (no last names, please)
    • you can make folders on the Side Bar area; maybe a folder for each of your other three Core areas (Social Studies, Science, and Math) and/or a Hobbies Folder
  • please do not add plugins right away; we will get there at some point.


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Comments (7)

Darienne said

at 4:20 pm on Oct 1, 2010

i like your smiley face creepy yet funny

Haley said

at 1:00 pm on Oct 6, 2010

hey whats up whats are you doing friday cause i am going to see a moving and you should come and see it with me cause i am going with me church and its 3d ill talk to you in chior about it

Mica said

at 1:03 pm on Oct 6, 2010

hi haley, adrianna and dar dar!! adrianna i like your smiley face too it has realy pretty eye shadow!!! =) :) xD

Isabella said

at 1:05 pm on Oct 6, 2010

hey you!!!! grrr.... um..... sizzle......
btw you should addd stufff on ur page!
i love your nvoki! kinda scary-
_jiggle izzy

chase said

at 12:59 pm on Oct 19, 2010

I gotz moar commentz ten yhu! :P

AdriannaW said

at 1:05 pm on Oct 19, 2010

kkk sure u do

Mitchell said

at 12:54 pm on May 3, 2011

nice smile face

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