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Book Review - City Of Ember

Page history last edited by anderson499 11 years, 6 months ago

Book Review


The 270 pages of the book, City of Ember by Jeanne DePrau are very interesting and compelling. The book follows the journey of a young girl, Lina Mayfleet, and a young boy, Doon Harrow. This story takes place in the dark city of Ember, which claims it is the only light in the dark world. Lina, Doon, and other citizens have a small sliver of hope that there is a way out of Ember. Light bulbs and lamps light the City of Ember. After about 200 years, the lights flicker, and a blackout takes place every so often. Many of the citizens wonder when will the lights go out forever. Is the City coming to an end?


Lina and Doon have just turned 12 years of age, and were assigned a job for the rest of their life by drawing slips of paper out of a bag. Lina received “pipeworks,” and Doon received “messenger”, Lina’s dream job. Doon is frustrated with his occupation, and offers to switch with Lina. Lina is delighted to trade with Doon.


The city of Ember is running out of supplies and light bulbs. Many citizens have lost hope, but not Lina and Doon. Lina’s grandmother has been tearing through her house looking for it, but she does not know what it is. While searching through the closet, Lina’s younger sister, Poppy, is caught chewing on paper that she found from a small, fancy wooden box. Lina noticed that there were words on the paper and placed the chewed pieces together. With the help of Doon, she figured out that the paper had instructions for something. Shortly afterwards Lina’s grandmother dies and Lina had to move in with an old friend. Meanwhile, the Mayor and his guards are hoarding remaining supplies that could be used to feed the city’s people. Lina and Doon discover these hoards, and plan to expose the Mayor. Lina and Doon continue to follow the instructions. What will they lead too? Is it the way out? Will Lina and Doon save the city before time is up?


I like this book because there is conflict inside conflict and it is suspenseful. The topic is unique and jumps from Lina’s to Doon’s view, however, the book is written in the third person. If it was written in the first person, the story would be told from Lina and Doon’s view and it would be more interesting.


Would I recommend this book? Yes, because it is a topic that readers of all ages and levels will enjoy. Most people would read it more than once. The City of Ember is especially popular among young readers, because the characters Lina and Doon are both twelve. The City of Ember is the first book in a series. The next book is called The People of Sparks. Rumors say The City of Ember is the best out of the series.


Comments (1)

AKabodian said

at 8:22 pm on Mar 13, 2013

Excellent review, Mohra. I like your phrase "conflict inside conflict." It reflects the layers in the book --- I haven't read it yet (the movie is wonderful), but I plan on it. Thanks.

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