
Reflection 2-jelimo

Page history last edited by kaitany478 11 years, 8 months ago






Science Fiction- I really enjoyed writing Science fiction stories. Although I don't think I did the best I could have on my story. Science fiction is my favorite genre and I love reading and writing it. I liked watching The Twilight Zones and science fiction stories in our Lit. books. I enjoyed the discussions we had full group. I thought we were given plenty of time for this assignment although the topic may have been a little bit too broad. Overall, fun!

Book of Choice Review- I liked being able to read a book for school that was not chosen for me but, rather by me. I thought the amount of guidance on think we were given plenty if not too much time to read our books.

Myth-I really enjoyed the mythology unit in English. I am a fan of the Percy Jackson series and liked getting background on the godly characters in the story.

The Giver response/ O.Henry compare+contrast-I LOVED reading The Giver! I loved it so much that I finished the weekend the weekend we got it. I thought that the amount of choice on the topic was good. I think we were given plenty of time to do the assignment.

Research paper+works cited-I didn't really enjoy writing the research paper. I didn't think we had enough time to write the rough draft.I did not enjoy the aspect of note cards. I thought the topics we were given were too specific. Overall this was my least favorite assignment from  the whole year.

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