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Page history last edited by jannik 10 years, 10 months ago


reviewed by Jannik



Have you ever met Geronimo Stilton? Do you want to know more about him? My name is Stilton Geronimo Stilton by Geronimo stilton tells the story about the mouse Geronimo Stilton who is the publisher of The Rodent's Gazette.


 Geronimo is a common mouse who lives in NEW MOUSE CITY on MOUSE ISLAND. He has so much work to do so he hired a new assistant, but he hired Pinky Pick a fourteen years old girl. She is the best assistant in new mouse city. Pinky finished two difficult article in only three hours. After completing these two articles she wants a raise. Geronimo must give her the raise or Pinky will go to the Daily Rat. A few days later it was Geronimo's birthday and he got a big surprise, the best birthday ever, but he must pay for everything. There was: expensive food, expensive flowers, every guest was carrying a little gift a solid platinum cheese holder with a diamond on the lid. There also was a ten foot cake, terrible fotos, expensive poetry, 1000 balloons, fireworks,and a trip to the north pole and a party there. The day after Geronimo's birthday Thea, Trap, Benjamin, Pinky, and Merry (pinkys assistant) took a helicopter to the north pole. After hours they landed on an icebreaker and Thea and Pinky explored the ship. An hour later the ship crashed into iceberg and Geronimo was carried off the boat. Trap pulled him back on something: on the iceberg. On the iceberg there were Thea, Benjamin, Pinky, and Merry, too. They were lost at sea all night. The next morning they saw a helicopter from MouseTV and they heard music and then they saw a ship, too. It was coming to rescue them. On that ship they wanted to have the party. The party began at ten o'clock. Geronimo didn't like to be at partys, but he went and had the time of his life. The party continues until morning.

What will happen when Geronimo gets home? Read the book!

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