
I Believe in friendship by LucasA

Page history last edited by lucasa 10 years, 8 months ago



For me, I believe in friendship. Friends are always there to help you. I have had lots of troubling times and a lot of my friends help me to get over it. If I ever need something for school, friends help you in any way possible. There are several ways friends help like with comedy. If you are sad and down in the dumps, and just want something to be more cheerful, well friends do that. They can try to do physical comedies, jokes, competitions, and way more possibilities. Also with friends you can help them. If they are feeling gloomy you can encourage them and make yourself feel better.

                Another reason friendship is nice because you can share things. What I mean is friends can have really cool things you don’t and you can share them. Like for me, I can go over a friend’s house and play a video game with them or play baseball or whatever. Sure it may sound selfish but if you can really trust someone it wouldn’t feel bad. Friends have always been with me for everything. I have so many memories of me with friends having a good time and partying our butts off. That is another thing what is great about friendship. You can look back at something a friend or friends did that can be life changing, literally. Friends can make inspirational quotes that can help you remember something for like a test, interview, how to play a video game, you name it. I have remembered lots of things my friends have told me and some really help me. Also friends are really nice to talk to.  I have friends that we have a lot in common, you can have conversations for hours and they can be lots of fun. Talking to friends can be joyful but also be very serious, again, when you trust telling them the important things. Also friends should like you for who you are. When a friend is really cool to me I like them for they are. That can be very helpful because if you have a friend who is lying about themselves then you do not know if you can trust them.

                So all together these are some reasons why I believe in friendship.

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